2009/9/1 Tom Yates <madhat...@teaparty.net>:
> that's great news.  are you in the UK?

NZ, but it shouldn't matter

> and if so, could you let me know a) your /etc/phone-utils.conf b) a couple

international_prefix = 00
national_prefix = 0
country_code = 64
area_code = 0

> of contacts from your address book (i don't want to know the numbers, just
> the first three or four digits so i can see what format you store them in)

+447752xxxxxx (uk mobile)
+64210xxxxxxx (nz mobile)
+64210xxxxxxx (nz mobile)
0210xxxxxx (nz mobile)
04 917 xxxx (nz landline)

> and c) confirmation that the numbers are resolved to contact names for
> incoming calls AND call log entries AND SMS messages?

incoming calls: i probably make/receive one call a month, if that, so
i can't help at the moment
call log: yes
messages: yes

> Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
>> International prefix is *never* +. Most probably (as in whole Europe)
>> you have to set it as 00.

i wouldn't be so sure on that. mine is 00, that's for nz. it varies by country

> ok, done.  i tried both, and it didn't help.
>> What is that area_code=1223? Try with area_code blanked.
> that's my local area code (comparable to "179" in the wiki article i sent
> you).

it's badly worded, it means the prefix to area codes (i.e. for vast
majority of countries, '0')

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