On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 09:57:06PM +1200, Robin Paulson wrote:
> i installed the nEo theme a few days back and love it - so much
> faster, more consistent, it's great
> i'd like to use the nEo boot screen also, in place of the 'don't
> panic' splash, but illume segfaults whenever i try to open the
> 'startup' option in the illume settings manager
> any suggestions? i've seen the shr-settings module, but it's not
> listed in there - there's only the 'don't panic' theme
> thanks

Yes it's great, I love it too.

More than boot screen, I would like to see it integrated better in shr..
1) bbfiles in shr/import
2) no-overwrite between standard libframeworkd-phonegui-efl-theme and
libframeworkd-phonegui-efl-theme-neo, the same for etk-theme-shr and

With every rebuild of standart shr themes, the files are overwritten on
neo with upgrade and then I have to manually overwrite them again by
installing -neo.opkgs. Or I would get inconsistent look.

I don't know if there is config option for E/etk/phonegui-efl to select
theme like (ELM_THEME=neo), or how to enable multiple themes for them

Warning from -neo packages:

This will mess a little with your /usr/share/libframeworkd-phonegui-efl
folder, but dont worry its only seeting up some necessary symlinks and
backing up your default theme
This whole process will be reverted when removing this package

IMPORTANT: this package hast to be installed with -force-overwrite or
else it wont work!!!

Press return to continue or ctrl+c to abort

mkdir: cannot create directory `default/': File exists
backing up default theme
Configuring libframeworkd-phonegui-efl-theme-neo
setting up symlinks

Please report any bugs to bernd.pruens...@gmail.com

uin:136542059                jid:martin.ja...@gmail.com
Jansa Martin                 sip:jama...@voip.wengo.fr 

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