2009/9/2 pike <pike-openm...@kw.nl>:
> I accidentaly changed the illume theme from
> illume-shr to 'default'. you wouldnt think
> that could hurt so much :-D but
> since i dont have the topbar anymore, i
> can't get to the illume wrench to change it
> back. i'd do it through the terminal, but
> i have no keyboard - because that is in the
> topbar to. plus, i can't ssh into the machine
> at this point - probably something with
> /etc/default/dropbear, but I can't change
> that without a terminal (and a keyboard) too.
> soooo .. i'm stuck ? reflash it ?

i think you can delete your /home/root/.e folder and everything will
reset to the original settings

not sure why there's no topbar anymore, i'm sure both themes have it

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