
It looks like frameworkd plays the ringtone file by itself.
I requested before it in the program, but always got AlreadyPlaying

I checked the rules.yaml file, but there is no rule for playing ringtone.
I also observed the dbus line using mdbus -l -s, but it does not
print out from where the signal arrived (it only indicates, that a
service received the signal).

I checked ophonekitd too, and there is also automatic ringtone
playing, and looks like it is not ophonekits who requested it.

Im a bit lost at this stage, I dont know how to debug further.
Could somebody shred a bit of light?

Best regards,


[SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Phone.CallCreated    from :1.18
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.GSM.Call.CallStatus    from :1.11
(   1,
    {   'direction': 'incoming',
        'line': 0,
        'mode': 'voice',
        'peer': '+362xxxxxxxx',
        'status': 'incoming'})
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Device.Audio.SoundStatus    from :1.19
('/usr/share/sounds/ringtone_ringnroll.wav', 'playing', {   })
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Usage.ResourceChanged    from :1.20
('Display', True, {   'policy': 0, 'refcount': 1})
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Usage.ResourceChanged    from :1.20
('Display', True, {   'policy': 0, 'refcount': 1})
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.GSM.Network.SignalStrength    from
:1.11 /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Device.PowerSupply.Capacity    from
:1.19 /org/freesmartphone/Device/PowerSupply/battery
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.GSM.Call.CallStatus    from :1.11
(1, 'release', {   'status': 'release'})
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.PIM.Calls.NewCall    from :1.13
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.PIM.Calls.NewMissedCalls    from :1.13
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.PIM.Calls.MissedCall    from :1.13
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Phone.CallReleased    from :1.18
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Phone.Call.Released    from :1.18
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Device.Audio.SoundStatus    from :1.19
('/usr/share/sounds/ringtone_ringnroll.wav', 'stopped', {   })
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.Usage.ResourceChanged    from :1.20
('Display', False, {   'policy': 0, 'refcount': 0})
 [SIGNAL]    org.freesmartphone.GSM.Network.SignalStrength    from
:1.11 /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device

r...@om-gta02 ~ $ cat /etc/freesmartphone/oevents/rules.yaml

# This file is in YAML format (http://www.yaml.org/)
# We define a list of rules that will be automatically loaded
# When we start the oevents module of the framework daemon
# The attributes of a rule are :
# - trigger     : trigger object
# - filters     : filters object or list of filters objects
# - actions     : action object or list of actions objects
# We define the following functions :
# - CallStatus()            : create a trigger object activated on a
call status event
# - PowerStatus()           : create a trigger object activated on a
power status event
# - HasAttr(name, value)    : create a filter that accept signal with
a given attribute
# - Not(filter)             : create a neg filter
# - PlaySound(file)         : Action that starts to play an audio file
# - StopSound(file)         : Action that stop an audio file
# - SetScenario(name)       : Action that sets an audio scenario
# - StartVibration
# - StopVibration
# - RingTone(cmd)           : cmd can be 'start' or 'stop'
# - Time(hour, min)         : create a trigger activated at the given time
# - Debug(msg)              : Action that prints a debug message (only
for debuging)
    # Call -> Audio Scenario Handling
    trigger: IncomingMessage()
    actions: MessageTone(play)

    while: CallListContains("incoming")
    filters: Not(CallListContains("active"))
             - RingTone()
             - Command('xset -display localhost:0 s reset')
             - SetLed("gta02_aux_red", "blink")
             - OccupyResource(Display)
#    while: CallStatus()
#    filters: Or(HasAttr(status, "outgoing"), HasAttr(status, "active"))
#    actions:
#            - OccupyResource(CPU)
#    while: CallStatus()
#    filters:
#            - Or(Or(HasAttr(status, "outgoing"), HasAttr(status,
"active")), And(HasAttr(status, "incoming"),
#            - Not(BTHeadsetIsConnected())
#    actions:
#            - SetScenario(gsmhandset)
    while: CallStatus()
            - Or(Or(HasAttr(status, "outgoing"), HasAttr(status,
"active")), And(HasAttr(status, "incoming"),
            - BTHeadsetIsConnected()
            - SetScenario(gsmbluetooth)
            - BTHeadsetPlaying()
    while: PowerStatus()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "charging")
    actions: SetLed("gta02_power_orange", "light")

    while: PowerStatus()
    filters: Not(HasAttr(status, "discharging"))
    actions: OccupyResource(CPU)

    while: PowerStatus()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "critical")
    actions: SetLed("gta02_power_orange", "blink")
    while: PowerStatus()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "full")
    actions: SetLed("gta02_power_blue", "light")
    trigger: PowerStatus()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "empty")
    actions: Command('poweroff')

    # Headset Audio Scenario Support. There is still work to be done.
    trigger: InputEvent()
             - HasAttr(switch, "HEADSET")
             - HasAttr(event, "pressed")
    actions: Command('amixer -d sset "Amp Spk" mute')
    trigger: InputEvent()
             - HasAttr(switch, "HEADSET")
             - HasAttr(event, "released")
    actions: Command('amixer -d sset "Amp Spk" unmute')

    # Idleness Brightness Handling
    # (activating the user's screen saver from a central daemon is quite hacky
    #  we really want some user's application to listen for the right signals)
    trigger: IdleState()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "busy")
    actions: Command('xset -display localhost:0 s reset')
    trigger: IdleState()
    filters: HasAttr(status, "idle_dim")
             - Command('xset -display localhost:0 s blank')
             - Command('xset -display localhost:0 s activate')
r...@om-gta02 ~ $

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