
I use Qi as the bootloader on my FreeRunner.
I have sevaral partitions on my SDcard:
p1 - vfat data partition (only data, nothing else)
p2 - ext3 primary partition, this is my main os. Currently holds QtMoko v8)
p3 - this is aother ext3 primary partition, for me to keep a backup os on.
Currently, it holds a copy of QtMoko v8.
p4 - swap, 128Megs

First I thought that the "press AUX" trick from the Qi wiki page would let
me select which partition to boot from, but it seems like it only selects
kernel, so not useful for me in this situation.

Then I read about the /boot/noboot-GTA02 file, so I did 'touch
/boot/noboot-GTA02' (when /dev/mmcblk0p2 was my root partition).
Now Qi skips the p2 partition, but after that  it justs sits therr, it won't
boot the p3 partition.

What can be wrong?
And how do I fix it?
(I have checked, and the files in  /boot and elsehwere looks correct)

Torfinn Ingolfsen
Openmoko community mailing list

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