I've run into a problem using Mokonnect. I configured it once and now I can't 
delete that configuration. I scanned for an AP, selected the one I wanted, 
entered in the connection information for it. I inadvertently did not add a 
password and now it will not let me change that setting. the password field is 
unselectable and I can never connect to that AP.

Also, the scan goes on forever now.

the easiest way to fix the AP information stuff would be to blow away the file 
that has the information in it so that the next time I run the app it looks 
like the first time but I can't find the file. Anyone know where it is? I 
already tried to remove Mokonnect and then re-installing it but the 
information persisted.

"To Err is human, to forgive is NOT company policy."

John Dowd
S/W Contractor
email: jdowd at gmail dot com
Cell: (613)316-7884
Home: (613)234-7884

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