this weekend i kinda got lost (still no, which direction to go, but not  
sure, which street to chose).
thinking, it would be agreat occasion to test navit's navigation again i  
fired it up .... and there the tale ends.

navit came up alright, but it was sloooow. at a point very early it  
stopped rerendering altogether, the cpu monitor constantly hit 100% and  
never came down again.
looking with top showed X at 50-60%, often even more and never falling  
below 50%.
thus, it was completely unusable.

right now i switched back to Xglamo driver -- navit comes up, Xglamo is  
around 10%, jumping to 17% sometimes. while navit seemed to relocate  
center there was a graphic anomaly (internal gui's icons moved about 50px  
left/bottom while active zome still at the correct position), but that's  
navit itself surely eats some cpu, but together with Xglamo it is rather  

so, does anyone experience similar issues with  xserver-xorg-video-glamo?  
maybe in combination with navit?
if not, if navit is pretty much usable and you are using   
xserver-xorg-video-glamo, could you post your xorg.conf?

debian is sid and up to date.

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