Am Mittwoch 30 September 2009 07:51:26 schrieben Sie:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 6:51 AM, Jed <> wrote:
> >> I glued a infrared led into the aux key for this purpose. Did someone
> >> already try to compile lirc for the FR? My attempt to just 'bitbake' it
> >> failed (missing kernel configuration).
> >
> > LOL, if I want IR that badly I'll just find a similar device that does
> > have IR integrated.
> Would it be possible to solder a led onto a USB connector, and use the
> USB port (and its power) to blink the led? Ofcourse, this all depends
> on how low-level you can go on that connector...
It is possible. But you need some additional electronics, probably a MCU which 
handles the USB protocol. Do you just want a blinking led? Then a dedicated 
led controller chip with I2C interface should do the job (for example the 
TLC59208F, For a 
external, detachable solution, USB and a MCU may be the better option.


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