
evopedia version 0.2.3 is ready, the main new features include:
- tangogps tile repository can be selected for article map
- article map has been improved
- your own position should be displayed on the map and you can zoom to it
- the text links have been replaced by icons
- article search is faster (1-3 seconds) for newly built images (at the
moment only German Wikipedia and French in the next days), old images
stay compatible

I hope you enjoy it. Unfortunately, due to some problems with my device
I was not able to test it to the full extent. Please report any bugs you

Direct link to the .ipk:

Evopedia is an offline Wikipedia reader that can be viewed using any
browser you like (midori is the default). You need to download a
Wikipedia dump (apart from the software also available there) from


The following dump languages are available at the moment:
Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.

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