Hi Aditya

Actually, that's even closer to what I'm going to do. The main part of the 
project is discovering ways to detect objects autonomously, with the FR riding 
the vehicle. I'd use GPS if I had a bigger robot, but I'm afraid that's not an 
option :)
I have little experience in handling camera input, too, and I'm not concerned 
about Freerunner's computing power.
Thanks for your offer. I'd be happy if I could share my new experiences, too.


Aditya Gandhi wrote:
> Hi rhn,
> I'm trying something a little bit different, I plan to make it 
> autonomous, with neo controlling it while sitting on it.
> Eg:. Using gps and a usb cam deliver tea for me from one room to other 
> in a big appartment....
> Something of that sort... Anyways any help needed in your project please 
> do ask, will try and  help you
> On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 8:00 PM, rhn <omcomali....@porcupinefactory.org 
> <mailto:omcomali....@porcupinefactory.org>> wrote:
>     Aditya Gandhi wrote:
>      > * Eyes for Robot*
>      >
>      > 7) Use a webcam and a base robot , to guide through obstacles.
>     (just for
>      > fun)
>     I'm starting a project doing just about that - using a Freerunner to
>     control a robot via Bluetooth.
>     As I'm a programmer and not a hardware guy, the robot of choice is
>     the Lego NXT.
>     Currently, I'm working on communication between those two parts.
>     Will start posting when I have some results!
>     Cheers
>     rhn

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