On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 13:06:07 +0200
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mic...@vanille-media.de> (M'L) wrote:

>Am Freitag, den 23.10.2009, 12:39 +0200 schrieb Yorick Moko:
>> thanks for offering this service! (although too bad I already sent my
>> device once to Germany)
>> can you give us an indication on how much this would improve
>> batterylife?
>> I'm assuming it only extends standby-time.
>> I once saw a graph that indicated that it was a huge boost, but can't
>> find it anymore
>In optimal conditions, it's going to double your standby time from ~70h
>to ~140h.

During first live tests this week, qtmoko managed to last two full days
(plus nights) of quite a bit of calls and messaging with occasional
checking of status, gprs connection andgps. Previously, one day of use
would drain the battery so this is an improvement. As the testing is
subjective to usage, we will see in the near future what the real stand
by time might be.


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