On Wed, Nov 04, 2009 at 03:41:47PM +0100, Sebastian Krzyszkowiak wrote:
> On 11/4/09, Ole Kliemann <ole-om-community-2...@mail.plastictree.net> wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 08:45:08PM +0300, Paul Fertser wrote:
> >> Marcel <tan...@googlemail.com> writes:
> >> >> > - graphics in general are far too light, most colors become whiteish
> >> >> > - colored stripes horizontally over the whole display, but are
> >> >> > invisible
> >> >> > on screenshots (naturally) - the same as above, but photographed:
> >> >> > http://d-a300.selfip.net/files/shr-today-qvga.jpg
> >> >>
> >> >> Known problem, try these timings for fbset:
> >> >>
> >> >> mode "240x320"
> >> >>         geometry 240 420 240 320 16
> >> >>         timings 100000 8 88 2 2 8 2
> >> >>         rgba 5/11,6/5,5/0,0/0
> >> >> endmode
> >> >
> >> > Where would I have to put that? A mode for xrandr I guess, but how do I
> >> > teach it to use that?
> >>
> >> Nah, just use fbset utility.
> >
> > Following the instructions in this thread gives me a somewhat
> > graphically intact screen. But the touchable area is -- like stated
> > before -- reduced to the upper left quarter of the screen. But this
> > quarter scales to the whole screen: touching upper left corner is a click
> > in the upper left corner, touching the lower right corner of the upper
> > left quarter results in a click on the lower right corner of the whole
> > screen.
> >
> > Is this the problem with the touchscreen driver mentioned by Raster? And
> > how could this be resolved?
> >
> > I still consider speed one of the usability issues of the FR. And I
> > think it is responsiveness > shiny things. ;-)
> >
> If you're using Xglamo, then it's known and it's already fixed in Xorg.

I see. Well... how do I get Xorg then? ;-) I am using the latest
SHR-unstable image with latest updates from the feeds. I cannot find
Xorg in the unstable feeds. I read that it was so far only integrated
into some other branch of SHR? But I cannot find anything more recent
than the unstable, although it hasn't been updated for over a month now
as far as I can see.

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