On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 08:54:50PM +0100, Jens Seidel wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 05:57:28PM +0100, Christophe M wrote:
> > > /var/log/frameworkd.log:
> > >
> > > 2009.11.01 17:25:06.733 ogsmd.modem.abstract ERROR    could not open
> > > channel MISC, retrying in 2 seconds
> > > I just want to confirm that
> > > these symptoms mean that the soldering was not properly done so that no
> > > capacitor is used instead of the 10uF or 22uF one. I will ask the engineer
> > > who  performed this task for me to do it again to get a proper phone.
> I get no prompt for the SIM pin which worked in the past and also mickeyterm
> exits with a DBus exception before I can enter a single command. As the
> engineer told me he isn't sure about the soldering I assumed it wasn't done
> well ...
> If it works again after the resoldering I will drop a mail.

Resoldering was performed and now all modem related problems vanished. Also
my device is now #1024 bug free :-))

Don't know about the increase of battery time as I nearly always have it
connected to USB but maybe it's time to unplug it ...


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