On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 01:28:48PM +0100, Helge Hafting wrote:
> >> But there is a problem. The user may switch between several apps with
> >> different rotation needs. (xmahjongg needs landscape, tetris needs 
> >> portrait, ...)  How will omnewrotate be notified about this?
> > 
> > The proper way is to define a set of DBUS signals.
> > 
> > Of course conflicting signals need to be ignored.
> What conflicting signals? A proper implementation won't
> have conflicts?

app1 prefers landscape1
app2 prefers landscape2
app3 prefers portrait1

In such a system, while app1 will have to prevail and the others will have
to wait.


> There are no conflicts, but whatever software you have managing the 
> display must be able to change orientation at exactly the right moment.

Of course you see, then, that rotation is a job best served by the Window
Manager, yes? :)

Daemons that rotate the screen (like my omnewrotate) are simpler hacks...


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