Am Donnerstag, den 12.11.2009, 08:48 +0100 schrieb Patryk Benderz:
> Dnia 2009-09-10, czw o godzinie 00:10 +0200, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
> pisze:
> > is now working in the first version. Here's an example output of mdbus -s 
> > -l 
> > where I have (orientation status in brackets):
> [cut]
> Great job Mickey, but what about integer orientation codes which were
> discussed previously? These are much easier to use, easier to compare
> integer than "some long string".

Please take a look other dbus APIs. The general consensus these days is
that enums are pretty much frowned upon, since
a) dbus marshalling is adding overhead anyways, and
b) string constants are way better to debug and use from command line



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