Sorry for the cross-post but we are wery pwoud to announce it:

Dear Hackable:1 users,

After rev5rc1, we spent hours and hours debugging this or improving that
to finally get the rev5 out today. Yep, that's right: hackable:1 rev5
(Codename: Chuck) is there!

First of all, you can grab the different flavours (user for the flash
and developer for the SD) here:

Here are the changes since rev4:

+ End users matters

    * Most of the software stack now runs under the 'hackable1' user,
for security purposes.
    * SMS proper implementation
    * The contact list bug has been found and fixed!
    * Power management improvements, suspend works, bluetooth and wifi
are no longer turned on by default.
    * An application called 'h1settings' can be used to configure phone
features, (enable / disable GSM / Wireless / GPS, power management, ...)
as well as time and date.
    * We created a new theme to celebrate this new release!
    * We got a splashscreen! It features a Chuck figure to reflects the
rev5 codename: Chuck
    * For those who used to love the games on OM2007.2, we put them back !
    * Boot time seems to have been improved a bit

+ Power users / developers matters

    * This rev5 release has entirely been built from the automatic build
    * A Linux kernel is now packaged in hackable:1, in order not to rely
on fso-pkg anymore.
          o Debugging has been disabled (boot time improvement)
          o Easier kernel upgrade when using an ext2 partition to store
the kernel on µSD cards
          o Separation of kernel modules in three sets: essential (comes
with the kernel), common modules and "more modules"
          o You can read a bit on

    * CDBS is now used for some packages.
          o the package h1packtools contains a CDBS rule that may
suffice for simple programs with the autotools
          o this rule also enables cross-compilation ; it is based on
previous works on this subject
    * Git repositories can now be used as sources for remote projects.

Where can I find it? Where can I get it? I didn't understand last time,
so I ask again : what is the answer to the ultimate question about life,
the universe, and everything?

As ever, you can download hackable:1 on

All the necessary information can be found on
as ever, that is documentation, installation instructions as well as
known issues.

It's obvious that the answer to the aforementioned question is "Chuck".

Who should I thank for all that stuff?

Among the people who worked on this release, the most notorious are

    * Marcus Bauer (mbauer)
    * Jérome Blondon (jbl2024)
    * Sébastien Bocahu (zecrazytux)
    * Pierre Pronchery (khorben)
    * David Wagner (Deubeuliou)

We'd also like to thank all the testers, among them most notably
Bearstech employees, and regular contributors/users of hackable:1, who
kept us going forward.

What should I expect next?
Due to a very good number of good reasons, which could all of them be
summed up by a minute of one of khorben's rants against libgsmd, we'll
switch to Freesmartphone.Org for rev6.
We will also switch from xserver-xglamo to xserver-xorg for the sake of
more responsive graphics.
On the developer side, we will of course continue to improve the
packaging system and lower the entry barrier.

All in all, more reliable GSM & suspend, and almost all the features one
may need. Stay tuned!

The hackable:1 team

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