Hi Christian,

Thanks a million, it works like a charm!

How did you come to use "default_navit" ?
I took a look at the source code, but i couldn't find out how to use it.

Happy new-year, my has started perfectly ;-)

Kind regards,

Christian Rüb wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> try this:
> dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.navit_project.navit 
> /org/navit_project/navit/default_navit 
> org.navit_project.navit.navit.set_center string:"12.1906 48.999"
> I had a look at [1] and after several tries this worked (on my PC). I will 
> update qnavitcl soon - New Year's Eve is too close right now ;-)
> Not sure if this is the correct way though - no reply on navit user ML yet...
> Cheers,
>  Christian
> [1] 
> http://navit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/navit/trunk/navit/navit/binding/dbus/binding_dbus.c?view=markup
> Am Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009 schrieb Ed Kapitein:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks a lot for your explanation!
>> I think i had the same problem you had, i can't set a destination with
>> the current version of navit.
>> (Dbus is enabled)
>> So, i will ask the people from the navit team on how to use dbus with
>> the current version.
>> Thanks again and "happy new year" everybody.
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>> Hi Ed,
>>> to build it on your PC, you need to have qmake (from Qt) installed.
>>> Then simply run
>>> #qmake
>>> (the name may differ, liket qmake-qt4 or something)
>>> This will create your Makefile, then simply run
>>> #make
>>> and you are done, you will get one binary called "qnavitcl" - that's it.
>>> If you want to build for your Openmoko phone, use my bitbake recipe here 
>>> (simply copy to your OE tree) and it will build the package for you.
>>> If you want a prebuilt binary - get it from here [1] (you'll also get 
>>> dependencies from there). It is built for SHR-U.
>>> Have you enabled dbus in navit.xml? This is essential.
>>> Use dbus-send to get a navit instance and then you can control it through 
>>> the path you get back. Have a look at [2] how I did it in Qt:
>>> registerNavitInstance() and setCenter() will be of most interest for you.
>>> If you use dbus-send, you also need to print the replies - otherwise you 
>>> cannot use them ;-) - see man page for futher details
>>> BUT - with current version of navit I could not get it to work as the dbus 
>>> interface seems to have changed - "iter" does not exist anymore and I have 
>>> not found a way yet to get an instance and set destination :(
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Christian
>>> [1] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/shr-new-unstable/
>>> [2] 
>>> http://git.senfdax.de/?p=qnavitctl;a=blob;f=src/mainwindow.cpp;h=a7b076db790971245b2d4c6769f13ba92b194b3e;hb=a3d4e3ea1506321d09a735e69810e3be01ccc860
>>>> Hi Christian,
>>>> i am trying to use navit and dbus, but so far i haven't find out how to
>>>> do it.
>>>> I did download your source, but how do i build it?
>>>> ( real noob here...)
>>>> Could you explain how to build it from source?
>>>> I am used to ./configure, make, make install
>>>> Can you give an example of dbus-send to set a destination in navit?
>>>> i want, like you, to have a list of waypoints and i want to set waypoint
>>>> 2 as destination, as soon as i am near waypoint 1.
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Ed
>>>> Christian Rüb wrote:
>>>>> I wrote a little Qt app to send destination or position to Navit via dbus 
>>>>> (needs to be activated in navit.xml first) or center the map.
>>>>> package [1]
>>>>> source [2]
>>>>> screenshot [3]
>>>>> How to use it:
>>>>> create a file with name;lat;lon per line and start the program. If the 
>>>>> file is named bookmarks.csv and placed in $HOME or the directory where 
>>>>> qnavitctl is started this file is automatically loaded.
>>>>> Why a program that does what Navit already can do?
>>>>>  - for me it is a quick fix for #352 in navit
>>>>>  - for my 1k+ trip I have to prepare intermdeiate stops as otherwise 
>>>>> route calculation would take very long (if it would succeed at all), so I 
>>>>> can have my navit window and another window to set next destination easily
>>>>>  - it is an example how to talk to navit via dbus and could be used for 
>>>>> other apps (e.g. litephone) to get coordinates (e.g. from opimd) and 
>>>>> start navigation in navit through a button (e.g. you receive a text 
>>>>> containing coordinates, press "take me there" and the coordinates are 
>>>>> send as destination to navit via dbus)
>>>>>  - I am still learning Qt :)
>>>>> That's all
>>>>> [1] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/shr-unstable/
>>>>> [2] http://git.senfdax.de/?p=qnavitctl;a=summary
>>>>> [3] http://openmoko.senfdax.de/screenshots/qnavitctl.png
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