On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 12:27 +0000, Neil Jerram wrote:
> 2010/1/2 William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au>:
> >
> > Just a couple of thoughts - missing calls is rarely to do with volume
> > and not hearing the ring (I have changed the standard tones though), and
> > more to do with crashes.
> Ah, OK, I didn't realise that.  (I don't yet get enough incoming
> mobile calls to have a significant sample.)
> Still, the CPU needed to decode Ogg (or another compressed audio
> format) could be contributing to that.
> > One of the most annoying is using tangogps
> > full screen (or any other app full screen) and a call comes in the top
> > screen can (not always) lose focus and you cant do anything except pull
> > the battery (doesnt recognise finger/stylus).
> In Debian I use auxlaunch for switching between windows.  This is
> triggered by the AUX button and so is pretty reliable.  Could you use
> that (or a similar approach) to solve this focus problem?
Tried to use the power button kill - but it doesnt work.  When it
happens to gpe-calendar, I am able to ssh in and kill it which gets
focus back, but have not had ssh available on an affected call yet - not
sure what to kill and keep the tho.

> >  Another is hearing the
> > other end, but they cant hear you - also happens randomly.
> OK.  (I haven't experienced this one yet.)
> > There is a lot going on when a call comes in so its not only audio
> > player latency but enabling the audio path, setting up alsa, handling
> > the call itself, starting the caller application, ...  And in amongst
> > that it has to play the audio as well.  Currently this isnt too bad for
> > me when I set ring only (no vibe) and use the debugfs hack.
> With both ring and vibe there is a very obvious delay - I'd guess 1 or
> 2 seconds - between when the vibe starts and when the ringtone starts.
> As you say, there's a lot going on when a call comes in - another
> reason IMO for making the ringtone part as simple as possible at that
> time.
> Regards,
>       Neil

True - every bit counts - and another cause of lost calls that happened
to me recently - " ... this is a really bad line, I'll hang up and call
you later  [CLICK!]" :(


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