In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful Hello , The above sentence is regular phrase that we use to remember God anytime in any letter/post /work . to remember that we are made by someone who is compassionate merciful unique and that we are nothing against him .more info read quran . of course it is undeniable we are free to select our way . also dehqan is my humble last name .
Anyway some questions remained : 1 - There is an option that lets tangogps users selecting using Google sat maps , but some problems : A - Is not using google maps under TangoGPS against google's EULA ? If it is do not answer next questions . B - Quality of pictures (Google maps) in Tangogps is not the same as Google apps . for example check this location<,51.1537&spn=0.046946,0.097418&t=k&z=14&key=ABQIAAAAEHSQK1vAAAuBZm_l9nDfuxR-o64xXIeDw7j_JZZzFnbEVH6OthQCJTz0e4bbm3CpyEKMFqf7FEzFIw&mapclient=jsapi&oi=map_misc&ct=api_logo>in both . Maybe this is cause of the differnece between and pictures ?? C - Google app shows street names with an option "show label" . Can not Tangogps get that layer in the same way it get pictures ? 2 - How to download a part of earth (city/country) maps with zoom level 15 (500/1000 meter height) ? Regards dehqan
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