On 05/03/2010 01:28 PM, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir wrote:
> You can get the approximate locations of the celltowers detected
> nearby with both the cellhunter and openbmap APIs (online). Averaging
> these and scaling by signal strength gets an alright accuracy
> (100-500m in some places). AFAIK there isn't an openmoko client for
> doing that.

There is the code from Baruch, as pointed in my previous answer.

> This accuracy would be better with WLAN essid locations like
> Google/Skyhook do... I notice openBmap now has "wifi data" being
> uploaded on their website so you might be asking at just the right
> time. There is a specification for wifi uploads (
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/myposition/index.php?title=Wifi_log_format
> ) that is used on Windows Mobile but the openmoko client hasn't been
> updated to publish this as far as I know. I would certainly be very
> excited to collect more data if it was updated :)

You got us ;-) I have been working on bringing WiFi logging to the 
openBmap logger since last November. Nevertheless, since beginning of 
the year, time has been scarce. Work is still going on, and most of the 
WiFi code is there. It needs some polishing and testing before release.

Nick has been working on the server side of this WiFi logging. These are 
the WiFi upload messages on the website.

> There is a project called openbmap-locator that uses an offline
> version of the openbmap database to emulate a GPS interface via
> fso-ogpsd ( http://github.com/baruch/openbmap-locator ). It has a few
> compile time dependencies on SHR including vala which I had to
> download a tarball for and compile instead of using opkg (i'm sure if
> you have a desktop OE buildenv, it's much easier). The first time you
> run it, it downloads a testing sqlite database to
> ~/.openBmap/cellid.db
> It is supposed to be possible to download an updated SQL database
> using a URL like
> http://openbmap.org/latest/cellular/244_sqlite_zones.zip where 244 is
> the MCC for the country you want... but there isn't a file for finland
> and the file for australia (505) seems corrupted. Germany (262) works
> fine but that's not where I am and I don't know how to convert/import
> it to sqlite. So all in all, needs some more help to get it ready for
> normal users.

It seems Nick already reacted to your email I pointed to him:
(news on our Website)
SQLite file for Australia is not corrupted anymore. SQLite file for 
Finland will be generated on monday.     about 23 hours ago


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