On Sunday 10 October 2010, Alfa21 wrote:
> > > And one more note: attaching anything via external 40pin port, will
> > > make device impossible to attach to Smartbook.
> > 
> > The MiniBook can be connected as normal after removing the module. We
> > could design the module so that it can connect everything via USB, in
> > which case the module could dock to one of the USB connections available
> > in the SmartBook.
> so, why we don't just add the ยต-usb port and use that both to connect that
> module, charge the phone, use it as flashdrive etc..? also you'd need one
> and only the usb port on the module so you'll be able to connect directly
> or through one of the others ports on the smartbook.

Because the point of the module is that is doesn't require changes to the 
existing MiniBook. Much as I would like to replace the barrel and mini-HDMI 
with client and host usb sockets, that would require a board revision and new 
plastics. If that's being done then the board rev may as well include the bits 
that would have gone into the module.

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