Thanks again Radek for your work in keeping the Freerunner dream alive.
Sorry to keep bothering you, but the upgrade process never seems so
straightforward for me :( This time, a completely clean install - formatted
the partition on my SD card using ext3, downloaded the .tar.gz from
Sourceforge and extracted it onto the card. When I boot, I get a message box
saying 'Messaging DB Invalid' and 'Messaging cannot operate due to database
I'm not sure where the database should be - I found one post suggesting it
was in ~/.qmf, but I don't have that file or directory on my system.
I don't know whether it's related, but I also get a message on bootup, just
before it switches into graphics mode saying something like 'No more
processes at this runlevel'.

Any suggestions for fixing messaging on my phone?

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