This is just awesome! I think the community owes you a big, big, thank

I'm waiting for the next surprises already ;-)

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> after all the previous announcements that were certainly not encouraging
> and making everybody happy, I have this time really good news. And hope
> that there are only good news to report in the future...
> We have finally found a way to patch the power supply issue of our first
> engineering sample board and are since this morning able to boot Linux and
> demonstrate LXDE on Debian. We will present this unique unit during
> LinuxTag on 11-14th May in Berlin. So please come!
> This power supply hack was to solder an additional 1.2V LDO chip
> (TPS73601DCQ) to give the CPU more supply power [1]. Apparently this
> is sufficient to solve the spurious shutdown issue, which was coming from
> a very suboptimal PCB layout of our engineering board.
> Anyway, the new GTA04A3 boards (which are already in production) have a
> heavily improved board layout so that I expect that they will never
> show this problem and are much more robust. After knowing how much
> the layout can and should be improved, I am still surprised that hacking
> the
> hardware with a 2 € LDO chip was a sufficient work-around...
> Here is finally a brand new video showing the device in (battery!)
> operation: [2]
> So we are looking forward to get the new GTA04A3 boards from SMD
> assembly (in approx. 4 weeks), connecting a display, inserting a SD card
> and a battery ...
> Happy easter time to everyone,
> Nikolaus Schaller
> [1]:
> [2]:
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