On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> In [Om2008.9] one locks the screen (and unlocks it) by pressing the
> AUX button. It seems that mine is failing due to bad contacts.
> Pressing the AUX let appear the lock, but releasing AUX acts as
> unlocking again.
> Is there any software to lock the screen. I only need protect the
> FR in my pocket so it will not dial (...) by its own, i.e. I dont
> need any "unlock by PIN code" functionality, maybe a small application
> in fullscreen which exits after touching 4-5 points with the finger
> in the correct order, ignoring anything else.
> 2008.9 is *very* dated. Try qtmoko or SHR- both offer a lock, but by
default it's a simple slider- I've never had that accidentally fail. I
recall a program for SHR that did the lock a different way, tracing a Z or
something.... I don't know if it's still available.
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