Thanks for answer. I realized I was not as clear as needed.

2012/2/12 Timo Juhani Lindfors <>:
> Guilhem Bonnefille <> writes:
>> version of TomTom). In order to exploit the maximum of the hardware, I
>> imagined to installed a really dedicated distribution,
> Distributions are made of packages, why not just take an existing
> distribution and only install the packages you want? Starting a new
> distribution is a lot of work.
>> Do you know such a project? Someone started similar project? Do you
>> have any suggestion to start something like this?
> I'd just take some distribution that you know and configure it to meet
> your needs. You probably want to think about power management a bit,
> perhaps add some logic that will automatically shutdown freerunner if
> battery energy goes below 20% to make sure that you'll never completely
> drain the battery.

Yes, I was exactly thinking about that: reusing an existing
distribution as base and configuring it for the need. I do not plan to
create a new distribution.

So, I'm looking for someone already working on a project like this:
selecting and configuring the right tools for converting a FreeRunner
in a raw in-car GPS.

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