Excerpts from Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller's message of 2012-05-16 06:19:37 +0000:
> Lukas and myself will be in Berlin at Friday (25 may) afternoon and
> Saturday (26 may).
> We are looking forward to meet as many of you as possible for face
> to face discussions! I think there will be many interesting things to discuss:
> * GTA04 and future
> * 3D case printing
> * Keyboard prototype
> * Distro projects (SHR, QtMoko, Replicant/AoF, ...)
> * Openmoko.org organization
> * whatever you think is important
> There will be a shared Project Meeting Point (Booth 7.2a 181c) as scheduled 
> here:
>     http://wiki.linuxtag.org/w/fp:ProjectMeetingPoints
> Please look up regularily since it may change on short notice.
> And, we have made a late entry submission for a presentation, but it is
> not yet confirmed.
> To make easier the decision to come, the LinuxTag organizers have
> given us some free entrance tickets (regular price is AFAIK 20 EUR).
> If you are interested, please send me a private mail and I can send you
> an electronic ticket that you can print yourself.
> CU@Berlin,
> Nikolaus

great! looking forward :)

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