
I really like your theme a lot just as it is. Personally I would reduce the 
top bar even more in size to give the applications as much of the screen as
possible. What I also liked in the new finxi theme is the ability to see the
current power consumption. If the keyboard toggle is moved to the middle of
bottom bar the keyboard in the top bar is not needed anymore and the free
space could be used to display the power consumption. 
For the dialer I just have one wish: Included a recent calls button. I need 
this quite often, much more often than the addressbook, so that would be very
nice to have.
Regarding the color theme I think having it with the most contrast is the 
really the best, because then you could reduce the backlight even more to 
save power and you screen still stays brisk and readable. Some source for 
color themes may also be:


from the NASA website and for them it should be really crucial to be good at
designing readable themes.

best regards and again many thanks for mokofaen!


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