On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 08:54:12 AM robin wrote:

> I have a question regarding the flight mode:
> if I turn it on (GTA02 qtmoko v47) the icon is shown on the home screen and
> calls are not possible anymore, so this is how I expected it to behave, but
> the antenna still seems to be on as I see some bars indicating reception
> and the power consumption stays the same as without flight mode. 

I dont know much about it, but i think flight mode means that you dont transmit 
any signal, but you can still receive signal strength.

Modems have AT commands for airplane mode. I tried it on GTA04 (AT_OAIR) 
without any effect, maybe i did something wrong...

> there
> once was a paper which looked at different parts of power consumption of
> the freerunner and if I remember correctly GSM was one of the major
> consumers.

You can check yourself - power off the modem and put the phone in suspend and 
watch charge_now:


> Now if I turn flight mode of the GSM apparently cannot connect to the
> station anymore and I have to reboot.

No idea here. I dont use airplanes ;-)



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