As in previous years there will be an open hard- and software
development and meeting workshop ( in
Munich, organized by local freaks coming from Zaurus, Openmoko,
OpenPandora, GTA04, etc.

Well, this time not really *in* Munich but in the town of Garching,
which is just nearby (15km). And which is world famous for some
scientific research facilities (e.g. fastest supercomputer in Europe,
fusion energy research, gravitational wave research, ESO [1]).

Please take a look at the (preliminary) Agenda (in German):


If you have wishes, suggestions, changes or want to talk
about something or moderate another workshop topic, please
notify the organizers through:


And, please add yourself to the participation list if you
plan to come:


Please forward to other lists where readers may be interested.


[1] European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
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