Hi Patryk,

Am 08.05.2013 um 17:34 schrieb Patryk Benderz:

> [cut]
>> apparently useful. And because the neighbour also has it. Like a mouse in
>> an experiment.
>       ...so sad... and so true. This is well thought text - will be great
> help in discussions. Especially for me - I often need to defend our
> opinion when discussing with my friends.
>       Sadly I notice most of them do not care about their privacy and most of
> your arguments will not convince them as long as they can have cheap
> device with eye-candy looking software.

Well, we can't change and convince everybody immediately. It is a long term
process - and we are not the only ones who have to and will work on it.

But if we just convince 0,01% of world population, that alone would be 700 000
community members. Instead of a handful :)

That looks as a much better perspective, doesn't it?

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