Hello everyone,
    following http://norayr.arnet.am/log/?p=113 I managed to compile
loadtools-r2 and tiffs-iva-r1 packages in a chroot (Debian 7) directory
mounted in my phone (running QtMoko v58) via nfs from my laptop.

After that I installed the tools from the phone OS (not chroot) with a
simple "make install" in
/mountPoint/pathTo/loadtools-r2 and /mountPoint/pathTo/tiffs-iva-r1

Everything looks fine, but it does not work:

# fc-loadtool -h gta02 /dev/ttySAC0
Sending beacons to /dev/ttySAC0
Toggling /sys/bus/platform/devices/gta02-pm-gsm.0/power_on
Got beacon response, attempting download
<p command successful, switching to 115200 baud
Sending image payload
Block #0: No response to <w command

Any help would be very appreciated.


giacomo 'giotti' mariani
gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 0x99bfa859
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