That's much easier than I thought it would be, then I can confirm that I
have the "wrong" 900/1800/1900MHz but it still works fine.
On 2/21/2014 10:03 AM, joerg Reisenweber wrote:
On Fri 21 February 2014 18:51:37 Andrew Schenck wrote:
its the 900/1800/1900 version, but I haven't found any way to verify
On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:07 +0000, Nick wrote:
there. It is a European 900/1800/1900MHz version (I presume - I
bought it 2nd hand - is there an easy way to check?). Can I just use
Under battery, on the label, right side directly above the "ASSEMBLY IN CHINA"
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