Hi Matthias , 

i hade the same / a similar problem 
and asked on IRC 

what they(forget who it was) told me / what i did : 

when you're at the menu to give the pin :
- pres the aux-button to go to favorites (this actually worked, without the 
sim/phone unlocked)
- press menu (bottom left corner) and "add"
- add Logging (it should be in the list you see)
- press "loggin" which should now be in your favorites menu
        it asks if Syslogd should be enabled -> i answered "no"
- press menu (bottom left corner) and "categories"
- Tick off "Modem AT communication"
- reboot

All should work now 
you should be able to see the buttons

let me know if this works


Op 2-mrt.-2014, om 14:46 heeft Matthias Apitz het volgende geschreven:

> Hello
> After a reboot it sits now there showing the keypad for the PIN dialog
> and above the message 'Please wait ...'; no buttons are below the
> keypad;
> I can SSH into the FR through USB and was thinking that it maybe could
> have to do with WLAN; so I moved away the file
> root@neo:~# mv /home/root/Applications/Network/config/wlan0.conf 
> /home/root/Applications/Network/config/wlan0.conf.away
> and restarted qpe:
> root@neo:~# /etc/init.d/qtmoko-neo stop
> root@neo:~# . /opt/qtmoko/qpe.env
> root@neo:/root# qpe
> NeoKbdDriverPlugin:create()
> Before call NeoKbdHandler()
> 57671 0 
> Network :  ###### General network update ###### 
> Network :  QN: no configuration available 
> Network :  QN: no configuration available 
> 0 
> Network :  QN: no configuration available 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> Unable to register with BlueZ service manager... 
> That's all. What could I do?
> Thx
>       matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Apitz               |  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign: www.asciiribbon.org
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