> But are they safe for those batteries ? Did you try them?

I have disassembled some of the "universal springy pins" chargers and they do 
not seem safe, they don't seem to use specialised charging ICs and usually use 
some kind of half-assed passives-based solution that ignores the CC/CV cycle 
requirements for LiIon charging. They could be safe to use if you were to throw 
out all the electronics and replace them with your own.

> I half remember most smartphone batteries include a charger chip
> and GTA04 batteries do not (the chip is in the phone and should be
> in the charger).

That is definitely not the case. 99.999% is that the "charger", that is, the 
thing with a MicroUSB cable you plug into the wall socket, only provides 
constant voltage and some guarantee about max current available (say, 5V/2A). 
The phone has a charging chip inside, which takes 5V and uses it to charge the 
battery, controlling the charging rate and stopping the charging process when 
the battery is full. The battery itself doesn't have any provisions for 
charging inside, aside from a protection circuit that prevents it from 
overcharging (doesn't have to be there, but is included in 99.999999% phones 
with LiIon batteries), and a thermistor so that the charger can measure 
temperature of the battery and stop charging when the battery is too hot. 
Talking about protection circuit, it protects from 1) discharging the battery 
too deep (because it will get damaged, and in certain circumstances might burst 
into flames when charged the next time), 2) overcharging the battery (even 
though the cha
 rger is not supposed to do that, there's still a small chance, like charger 
short-circuiting 5V onto its output because of a power surge) and 3) 
short-circuiting the battery. Again, that is just how phones are built, at 
least for a decade now.

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