
Early this  week, as I was trimming some of the dahlias in the Clinton 
Community Garden in NYC, and doing some general maintenance, a lady whom I had 
met before walked into our garden with her two small kids....

I was wearing my Mets hat, as usual ( a wool 59 - a gift from my son) and 
feeling good that the Marlins had taken it all - being a Mets fan gives you the 
Mets to root for and any team that plays the Yankees. There are a few Yankee 
fans in our garden community, and pay back, they say is a b-------.

But as the boy, all of 5 years old,  was wearing a Yankee cap, I cut him a 
break and said, as he watched me, "Next Year kid." He said, touchingly, "Mets 

Blood enmities start early in NYC. Mom looked embarrassed and tried to shush 
him, but I waved it off and asked her how she was doing....

The lady said, "This is the garden that held the concert for the families, 
right? I'm visiting Engine 54 with the kids, they like to visit - we live out 
Staten Island."  Of course, it's that time of year, and we get some families 
that visit before or after they go to where Dad was before 9/11.  So, with a 
catch in my throat, I asked if they wanted a tour of the garden, and they said 
they did, so I walked them through our Native American bed, volunteer beds, 
the behive, the herb garden, grape arbor, the winding path through our back 
garden's 108 individual plots,  the bulletin boards, the letters from the 
firehouses on them, and handed a few of the dahlias to the mother and the 
hat wearing little girl. There were two kids t-shirts in the shed, so I gave it 
to them for later ( a cold day.) 

As it was, a couple of firemen had walked down West 48th Street to take their 
lunch in the garden and recognized the lady and her kids as we finished the 
tour....the kids stayed with us as Mom picked up some sandwiches at the Yemeni 
deli on the corner, with the great Mexican sodas ( Jarritos Toronja is my 
favorite.) I kept gardening, and left the family and the firemen to have lunch 
- I 
recognized the guys from the last few Hell's Kitchen Heroes picnics we've 
held. To read more about how we reached out, please go to the "Firemen's 
on our website-  <A HREF="";>Clinton 
Community Garden</A> . 

The reason why I'm sharing this with you all, and especially those in 
California today, is because there are some huge fires going on in that state, 
firemen are losing their lives. While 9-11 was devastating for so many NYC area 
families, and we lost so many firemen, NYPD, EMS and Port Authority cops the 
devastation comes down to us finally as families and individuals. And after all 
the speeches, and bagpipes, and folded flags, and insurance payments are made 
- it comes down to a mother, and her kids visiting Dad's old firehouse, and 
the garden that cared enough to pass the hat and say that they cared. 

No community gardeners have big money, most of us are scambling, but we can 
write a card, pass the hat, and reach out to say that we care for the people 
who help us.  Now I don't know if any of the California gardens are near the 
forest fires, but if they are, maybe a hat might be passed, a fundraiser held, 
and an invitation to your gardens extended to the firemen and their families.  

When we held the first benefit - and ballplayers were wearing FDNY, NYPD hats 
during ball games, we were part of the mix - but we kept doing these Hell's 
Kitchen Heroes Picnics to remember, and welcomed emergency personnel into our 
garden to have a nice place to take a lunch break, give folks a chance to say 
hi and thank you to them. Having a truck or a cop car drive up and park for a 
while so these folks who smell much worse can smell the roses and maybe eat a 
sandwich is a lovely thing. 

Back in 2001 - a burnt out, kind of cynical fireman - and could you blame him 
- told me  that a fireman's benefit was "a bit of a stretch," but I see him 
come in from time to time, and talk about his tomatoes in Brooklyn. 

When the fires are out in California, you are going to have some hurting 
people - where better to reach out from to that part of the community than your 
gardens? Even if they are Yankee fans......

Butting his nose in where he shouldn't, again, 
Adam Honigman
 <A HREF="";>Clinton Community Garden</A> 


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