
Mike Steffens is a NYC fireman/EMS, helps grow trees in Brooklyn.In case you 
thought they grew by themselves  - nope, trees don't grow on trees in NYC, 
they need help from volunteers like Mike who helps run a volunteer nursery out 
next to the Floyd Bennett Field Community Garden and is a great friend of 
community gardens. 

Well, trees don't grow on trees, and neither do people who give a damn about 
others and their community - they need good examples to follow.  Mike writes 
about one grand gentleman who kept teaching until the end. 

As Arthur Miller said, "Attention must be paid." 

Adam Honigman
 <A HREF="";>Clinton Community Garden</A> 

> Subj: CYBERHARBOR: A sad passing for Greenpoint 
>  Date: 10/31/03 6:37:50 PM Eastern Standard Time
>  Sent from the Internet 
> Good Day all,
> My Grandfather in Law, Bill Studioso AKA Willie the Barber passed away in 
> his sleep today at his sons home in Alloway New Jersey at the age of 97 after 
> a 
> long fight against cancer.
> Bill was a founding member of the Friends of India Street Pier in 
> Greenpoint, Brooklyn back in the 1980s and fought tirelessly for nearly 20 
> years for 
> community access to the waterfront, against transfer stations and a whole 
> host 
> of other community ill's. He was somewhat infamous for sitting in an elected 
> officials office and not leaving until he had spoken his mind.
> Despite moving to New Jersey he continued to write elected officials on 
> behalf of his old neighborhood and never minded the various little kids who 
> he 
> helped teach the ABC's by letting them copy his letter of the day to the 
> politicians.
> He is survived by his 4 kids, 13 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren 
> many of whom carry on his legacy of community based environmental activism 
> throughout NYC, NJ and LI.
> Be well all
> Mike Steffens 

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