Here's whatcha  should do:
1) Go to CB 2 and get copies of the older letters of support that the board has 
written in support of La Guardia Corner Garden. You want letters from them on 
their stationery.
2) Go to the local citycouncilperson, state assembly person,state senator and 
your congressman - you've been in touch and have invited them to garden 
functions all along, and have pictures of them in your garden, right? You want 
letters from them on their stationery and copies of those pictures. 
3) Go to your neighbors, the schools that have done programs in your garden, 
the local churches that have found your garden to be a safe haven for seniors 
and kids, the Moms and familes that love ya, and local business that have found 
your presence there to have been an uplifting experience for the community. You 
want letters from them on their stationery.
4) Get the NYU film students who have filmed in your garden . you want letters 
from them and their professors on their stationery.
5) Get letters from all the grannies, families, singles, everybody  collected, 
on different color and size paper collected and copied. You want to have copies 
of everything for your records as well as sending them to the decision makers 
on your garden.
6) If the decision maker in this case really is Daddy Warbucks Mayor Bloomberg, 
collect about 500 people together for a "Gardeners for Mayor Mike" rally, let 
his staff know about it, and have lotsa bodies at a given time and place for 
Mike Bloomberg's close up photo shot.  If Mayor Mike is the final arbiter on 
what happens to your garden, then suck up to him really big in this way. When 
it comes to a political animal in an election year, then go for it. Remember, 
Bloomberg signed off on the garden settlement, so he isn't entirely odious. 
Best wishes, 
Adam Honigman
Clinton Community Garden
-----Original Message-----
From: doggielama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 16:10:32 -0400
Subject: [tb-cybergardens]: Please Write to the Mayor

News from the tb-cybergardens mailing list 
LaGuardia Corner Garden is endangered by development. The garden has been 
trying for many years, with the support of CB2, to have its NYC DOT site 
transferred to the Parks Department. We would greatly appreciate your 
participation in a letter writing campaign to our Mayor. Below is a draft 
letter for your convenience.  
Dear Mayor Bloomberg: 
re: LaGuardia Corner Garden 
I am writing to urge the a change in the status of LaGuardia Corner Garden, a 
decades old community garden in the heart of Greenwhich Village.  
LaGuardia Corner Garden needs and seeks protection from development. Transfer 
of the land on which the garden is located from the NYC Department of 
Transportation to the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation would help to 
provide greater protection from development. Such a transfer has long had the 
support of Community Board 2. 
Please support the future of this perennial garden, which is not only a valued 
resource for the community but a showcase to visitors from around the world. 
Yours sincerely, 
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