Sweet Red Cherry Tomatoes From Your Harambee CSA Garden

Have you ever wished to venture forth beyond
Your primal ancestral circles
And see what's up in the village
Across the river from your own?

Have you ever longed for sweet red cherry tomatoes
So fresh and juicy the old world
Protestant or Catholic in you worries that
Eating them might be some kind of carnal sin?

Have you ever felt the joy of sacred fatigue
At the end of a workout in rich soil
Hands in the dirt, good sweat, and
Joyous work laughter moments with friends?

Have you ever imagined that…

Your nation gave rise to a movement
With other nations you are learning to love,

With an eye, strong body, and heart
Fixed on the prize of
Ten thousand backyard city farms.

With 4 chickens (no rooster) each
(Roosters visit from the early rising towns)

Eyes on the prize of…

Ten Thousand community farms and gardens,
In old industrial city neighborhoods,

Transforming themselves into

Planetary villages of grace, beauty, and health?

And the nation chose a leader
Who could understand all this!

Too Much Snow and Rain to Roof 2008

P.S.  Please consider sending the above folk poetry or any statement to Bill
Moyers, who has the capacity to help us win a place in the presidential race
for the cause of local, organic, urban, community, and schoolyard farms and
gardens, n'est-ce pas?
"Bill Moyers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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