Dear All,

Would it not be totally inspiring to find Michelle Obama, vitally concerned
with childhood health, are this great historic moment?

City Breaks Ground on July 1 for Slow Food Nation Victory Garden

July 12 Community Planting Day with Mayor Gavin Newsom, Slow Food Nation
Founder Alice Waters and Dozens of Bay Area Community Gardening

San Francisco, CA (June 24, 2008) — Beginning Tuesday, July 1, *the lawn in
front of San Francisco's City Hall will undergo a transformation from grass
carpet to edible garden*, as dozens of Bay Area organizations join together
to plant the Slow Food Nation Victory Garden. On Saturday, July 12, Mayor
Gavin Newsom, Slow Food Nation founder Alice Waters and more than 100
volunteers will plant the first edible garden in the City's Civic Center
since 1943.

The Victory Garden project takes its name from 20th Century wartime efforts
to address food shortages by encouraging citizens to plant gardens on public
and private land. In the early 1940s, Victory Gardens were a way for San
Francisco residents to participate in developing a secure source of domestic
food during a time of war, which was one of the most pressing issues of the
day. *Victory Gardens sprouted in front* **yards and vacant lots, and
produced 40 percent of the nation's vegetable''s. San Francisco's program
became one of the best in the country; Golden Gate Park alone had 250 garden

"The Slow Food Nation Victory Garden is one more way to showcase the City's
tangible commitment to sustainability and, as in the past, confront some of
the most challenging issues of our times," said Mayor Gavin Newsom. "For
many urban residents, access to healthy and nutritious food is as important
now as it was during the Second World War."

Slow Food Nation, the largest celebration of American food in history, takes
place in San Francisco over Labor Day weekend (August 29 to September 1,
2008). The Slow Food Nation Victory Garden in the Civic Center will serve as
a demonstration and education centerpiece leading up to and following the
Labor Day weekend event, providing visitors the opportunity to learn about
urban food production. Bounty from the garden will be donated to those with
limited access to healthy, organic produce through a partnership with local
food banks and meal programs.

"San Francisco Victory Gardens 08+ redefines 'Victory' in the context of
modern urban sustainability. 'Victory' means *growing food at home for
increased local food security and social equity*," said John Bela, Victory
Gardens 08+ Program Manager. "The Slow Food Nation Victory Garden
demonstrates the potential of *building community around local food
production*, and along with the City's creation of a
*Food Policy Framework*, demonstrates the City's growing commitment to food
system sustainability."

The Slow Food Nation Victory Garden is designed and built by the Garden for
the Environment's Victory Garden 08+ Program, CMG Landscape Architecture and
City Slicker Farms, using seeds donated from Seeds of Change and numerous
individuals from around the country. Other participating organizations
include: The Presidio Native Plant Nursery, Alemany Farms, Friends of the
Urban Forest, Ploughshares Nursery,
*''Urban Permaculture Guild*, *Coevolution Institute* and many others.

The garden is produced in partnership with Victory Gardens 08+, developed by
the Garden for the Environment and the City of San Francisco's Department
for the Environment. Their mission is to respond to the social and
ecological challenges that San Franciscans and all urban residents face in
*more self reliant, ecologically sound and socially just urban human

About Slow Food Nation

Slow Food Nation is a subsidiary non-profit of Slow Food USA and part of the
international Slow Food movement. It was created to organize the first-ever
American collaborative gathering to unite the growing sustainable food
movement and introduce thousands of people to food that is good, clean and
fair through enjoyable, accessible and educational activities. Slow Food
Nation is dedicated to creating a framework for deeper environmental
connection to our food and aims to inspire and empower Americans to build a
food system that is sustainable, healthy and delicious.

For interviews and more information, please contact:

Naomi Starkman
Communications & Policy Director

Layla Azimi
Communications Coordinator
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