Dear All,

Would anyone be up for a partnership of 36.5 years,

Aiming to

*discover the heat waste producers in Milwaukee

*Or your city!*

*discover empty lots next to heat waste producers

*partner with he heat waste producer companies

*to grow fish for/with their workers and owners

*create veggie farm on their(our?) roofs

*open farmers market across the street

*open Riverwest Co-op style food source too!

*and Amaranth Bakeries for all!

The brilliant economic breakthroughs by the
Mondragon Worker Co-op Enterprises
Back in 1950s Spain
Might provide a worthy start for a mixed model enterprise
Marrying the producers of waste heat to the Milwaukee(your city!) good food
For personal and public gain!

To share is to gain!

The impossible is nothing.

Here's what inspired this thought:

*Waste Heat Producing Industries and Urban Aquaculture Projects*

I can respect the knowledge of experts but I also love the DYI
 frontier of knowledge that urban agriculture represents.  I want to
live Ivan Illich's 'De-schooling Society'. I am aware that many food
production plants expend "waste heat" in the cooking/canning process.
 This waste heat is safe and readily utilizable. A plan:
#1 Locate such waste heat producing industries in the Milwaukee area.
 #2 Visit the plant to see if their is available adjacent land.
#3Prepare and present a plan to utilize their waste heat to energize a
green house for aquaculture production.
#4Perhaps there is limited viable options but we just need a few with
some sympathetic management.
Anyone else think this is worthwhile and interested in collaboration?
Perhaps the City and Google Earth could be of help.

Aron Corbett

What say?

Why not?



My(Our?)  Corner Name at Sweet Water

That's all I need.   That's all I want.
An obscurely located little mark,
In a remote corner at Sweet Water.

Mark enough for one life's work!
No marble shrines can ever compare
With my(our) corner name at Sweet Water.
-------------- next part --------------
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