Sweet Water Organics and an emerging global web of urban agriculture "vision
workers" are in conversation with the Sea Grant Foundation & Great Lakes
Water Institute to lay the foundation for Ph.D. and M.A. candidates to focus
their course work
on the research issues inspired by a new industry in the world, we are
coming to call...

*Vermiculture Based Recirculating Bio-filtration Aquaponic Fish Vegetable
*(Vermiculture Aquaculture)*

And the questions posed, for which MSOE engineeers, mechanics, permaculture
researchers and entrepreneurs, educators, tinkerers, aquaponic practitioners
and researchers for
Golden Thread Factory Buildings and Vermiculture Aquaculture*

Your find mind would be one to mentor these students through questions
by your hard won and visionary work in the fledgling urban agriculture

Come feed the fish!

Marry the lab and the market,
The workshop and the school!

Love and focus
For Mother Nature,

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