----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Compact Macs" <compact.macs@mail.maclaunch.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 21:31
Subject: Re: Introducing the Mac SE/3000
The fun of it would be taking out pretty much most of the analog
board and power supply and cobbling together some kind of interface
that'll understand the logic board's analog signals. I've heard
someone actually did this before but I haven't googletated for it
With that concept in mind, how hard would it be to core out a iMac
Mini, put in an LCD from a POS display (with USB touchscreen!) and
cobble the entire thing together using an SE/30 case?
The question becomes... how classic are _you_. :)
Also, I wonder if anyone else besides Apple has grabbed the clue
that people want mini-ATX workstations w/ onboard displays?
-Dan Wood
NODEraser wrote:
I have the SE/30 case, I just haven't found the appropriate display.
LCD displays that will fit within the housing are 640x480 at best, and
I shudder to think of using OS X at that resolution. CRT displays
capable of 1024x768 are available and would fit, but they chew up half
of the case, which makes jamming an upgraded Cube in more difficult.
What little progress I've made I've tracked here:
Joshua Coombs
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