At 11:50 AM 1/7/06, you wrote:
Does the drive make any sound? I had this happen on a
Plus once. When I opened the computer up I saw the
drive's connector had come loose.
If the drive is connected and it's making noise, the
problem would require a bit of thought...
--- Chase Bohling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a mac plus that can't read disks from the
> internal floppy drive.
> I replaced the drive, but it still can't read disks.
> If I boot from
> external drive it works fine. Any solutions?
> Thanks.
> -Chase
I think that it is most likely the floppy cable that it the problem.
Take one out of one of you other machines and try that.
If it's not the cable it might be you mother board
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