assumptions: a. dead drive. b. no changes to chain. c. all scsi ids different

1. last drive is probably terminated, if removed all other drives won't be seen.
2. last drive died? loose cables etc
if external termination, move terminator to next drive on chain. test. if not external terminator, borrow one to test drives.
3 replace dead drive.

charles lenington

Stephen Conrad wrote:
Since, other than the PCI list, this one seems most active...

1) I opened the Compact Mac (Plus sticker on the bottom, SiClone Turbo
SE sticker on the front) and cannot tell where I'd find the SiClone
card. Everything inside seemed tight, but I still see horizontal lines
on the front). Ideas?

2) My IIsi has some external HDs hooked up and, suddenly, one of them
(the one at the end of the chain) cannot be seen by SCSI (a CP), SCSI
Probe 4.3 (another CP), CMS SCSI Tool or Alliance Power Tools.
However, if I unplug it the whole chain stops working. What do I need
to do to get this HD to show up again?


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