Nicola Discardi wrote:
> Hi guys someone can tell me what i need to know to start develop  for
> compiz?
> for example  i need to know opengl reference? (which version ?) or other

It is not essential to know opengl to develop with Compiz.

What you need to know depends on what exactly what
you want to do.  My mousegestures plugin uses no
openlgl at all and the annotate plugin uses cairo.

To be able to do everything well you would need good
knowledge of C, xlib and opengl, but C is the only real
requirement for getting started.  It is also possible
AFAIK to write plugins in C# or C++ but nobody has
done that yet ;)

Here are the examples that I have so far, they are fairly
self explanatory.  Once you understand how the basic
plugin works, you can work onto more complicated ones.

Other good ones to look at would be mousegestures, neg,
border and state.  They all do different things but they are
all fairly easy to understand for beginners.

Once the forum is up, you can look at the plugin development
section for more examples.


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