Brad Ison wrote:
Ioannis Nousias wrote:
Brad Ison wrote:
Ioannis Nousias wrote:
is the the "decoration" plugin included in the
"/apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins" key? I have it
third after "gconf" and "inotify" plugin.

Brad Ison wrote:
I have a strange problem with gtk-window-decorator. I've tried 0.3.6 &
the latest from git, but with either I don't get any window borders
running gwd. I hope its not something simple I've missed but I've
searched around and not found anything. gwd never segfaults or even
displays any warnings or anything for that matter. It just doesn't draw
the borders. I've tried every combination of gconf settings (setting
use_metacity_theme to false etc) and tried changing my metacity theme.
It still will not draw any borders. I'm running Ubuntu Feisty with
all the latest updates using an ATI x850 with the free r300 driver and
Mesa 6.5.2. Compiz itself works alright though I have some weird issues
with windows not redrawing, but I expect that is due to using a
experimental video driver. I can't seem to explain why the window
borders aren't being drawn though. Any ideas?

compiz mailing list

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as of 0.3.6 at least, decoration is
no longer a plugin to be loaded but a library that gwd is linked to,
mind you I'm not a compiz developer, but I know this:
The libdecoration is a static library used to design window decorators
like gwd. This design decision was made to maximize code reuse for any
window decorator developed for compiz.

as for the "decoration" plugin it's still there and enables the
functionality for compiz to support window decorators. So please added
to you "active_plugins" list :-D

No decoration plugin is installed in $prefix/lib/compiz/ just the
libdecoration libraries are installed into $prefix/lib/. If I do add
decoration to active_plugins compiz won't find it and will remove it
from the list. When I first saw this happening I too thought this was
the problem. So, I went into $prefix/lib/compiz/ and copied the
libdecoration files installed to $prefix/lib/ into the compiz directory
as if they were a plugin. But, when compiz goes to load the decoration
plugin then it complains about not being able to lookup
getCompPluginInfo in - I see the getCompPluginInfo
function in decoration.c though. So at this point I'm not sure what to

As for xorg 7.2, as Gerd mentioned in another reply that using 7.1 may
be a problem, it hit the Feisty repos today and I am using it. Though I
don't know if all the relevant proto / driver packages are updated yet.

the "/usr/lib/compiz/" is different form the "/usr/lib/"

the first one is the plugin and the second one the shared library for gtk-window-decorator

I can see that gtk-window-decorator loads this  (using ldd) => /usr/lib/

I don't know why the packages would miss the plugin, but when you compile compiz from git check if the decoration gets compiled.

hope that helps

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