dragoran wrote:
> Danny Baumann wrote:
>> Hi,
>>>> There is a bug report for this here:
>>>> http://bugs.opencompositing.org/show_bug.cgi?id=431
>>>> It seems to be fixed for Firefox in the current git version.
>>> I cannot find any fix for this in git the commit linked above is
>>> already
>>> part of the 0.6.0 release.
>>> I heard that there is a fix for it but I can't find it... can somebody
>>> point me to it?
>>> It would be nice to have the fix before monday to get this into fedora
>>> 8
>>> before release.
>> Gitweb seems tob e out of order for 0.6, but commit
>> f6c2f52156aaaf5bc3fc4718de85e1befc92dca1 in the 0.6.0 branch for
>> plugins-main should be what you're looking for.
> thx!
> will build a new f8 package ASAP.

>From the id I think Danny is referring to this:

However I think it depends on other commits as I get an undefiend symbol
when applying jsut this commit to 0.6.0 release, so I guess you'll need
to cherry pick several commits to get this working (or just run the git
vversion!). I'm currently too drunk to work out what's needed so you're
on your own until I sober up or someone else points out more details :p


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