*It is* a driver issue. Sometimes downgrading the driver to version
8.40 can help (but I don't know if your card is supported).


On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:34 PM, David C. Rankin
> Clemens Eisserer wrote:
>  > Well compiz adds some overhead, but without further description about
>  > your settup there's nothing anybody can say/do.
>  >
>  > lg Clemens
>  >
>  > 2008/1/29, David C. Rankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  >> Listmates,
>  >>
>  >>         Hopefully this is a compiz only question. Using the mouse wheel to
>  >>  scroll down web pages seems to be much slower in compiz than in kde. It
>  >>  also affects scrolling through long directories in konqueror (ex:
>  >>  /usr/share/doc/packages) but to a lesser extent than web content.
>  >>  Is there any setting, fix or workaround that might help?
>  >>
>  Sorry Clemens,
>         I should have included the specifics. The system is a Toshiba P35, P4
>  3.3GHz, 2G RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon 9600/9700 series running openSuSE
>  10.3 with the ATI 8.45.5 driver.
>         I don't think it is a memory overhead issue. I have looked closely at
>  this with top/free -tm and compiz adds no more that 20M of memory
>  overhead which wouldn't be an issue here.
>         The slowdown in scrolling I am talking about is by a factor of 2-4
>  times slower than without compiz. With kwin, rolling the mouse wheel to
>  scroll web pages or konqueror directories results in immediate and crisp
>  scrolling of content either up or down depending on wheel rotate
>  direction. With compiz there is a notable delay in the time between
>  wheel input and scroll response (on the order of milliseconds ~ 400 or 500).
>         The scroll delay problem is much improved with the latest 8.45.5 
> driver
>  with the delay between wheel input and scroll decreasing greatly, but it
>  is still noticeable. Testing now in response to your post, this is much
>  improved over the 8.43 and earlier drivers. This leads me to suspect it
>  may be more of a driver issue than a compiz issue. I will test with the
>  8.47 driver later today or tomorrow and report back.
>  --
> David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
>  Rankin Law Firm, PLLC
>  510 Ochiltree Street
>  Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
>  Telephone: (936) 715-9333
>  Facsimile: (936) 715-9339
>  www.rankinlawfirm.com
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