2008/6/4 Colin Guthrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Thank you Kristian. Does XFixes not have a bugzilla? I cannot find the
>> upstream bug either. This must be "Dotan is lost" day. I did find your
>> page on dev though:
>> http://dev.compiz-fusion.org/~kristian/2007/08/25/xfixes-the-problem-and-the-dirty-workaround/
> I'm pretty sure you'll find xfixes bugs tracked in the
> bugs.freedesktop.org BZ.

Thanks. No relevant bug there. I could file it, but I would prefer if
someone with more technical knowledge of the root of the problem would
file it. Who really knows about this stuff?

I can say that for me the problem affects not only Firefox but also
Thunderbird and Opera.

> I'm gonna steal this sig....

Go for it. I don't even remember from where I copied it, but I doubt
that it is copywrited!

Dotan Cohen


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