
You might also be interested in the atom _NET_WM_PID of a window that - if set - contains the process id of the process owning the window.

By the way, three related links:
The EWMH spec that describes _NET_WM_PID and other intersting atoms [1].
A nice hack for adding arbitrary atoms (e.g. the file name you passed to a viewer application) to a window on creation [2]. The Zeitgeist project already offers a daemon for collecting usage context (afaik not tracking the active window at the moment) [3]



On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 17:51:51 +0200, Christian Mertes <> wrote:


I'm currently gathering information that helps software in assessing the
user's context. One very important such data would be the application
that the user is currently working with which mostly is roughly
equivalent to the name of the window that has the focus. Unfortunately
I'm at a loss even about which API to ask for this information. As
personally I am using compiz as a window manager, I'd be glad if anybody
here could tell me about a way to get this information out of compiz,
preferably without modifications to its code. If alternatively someone
knows about ways to do this at a higher level (freedesktop, X, ...), I'd
be happy about any hint.

Many thanks in advance and best regards,

Christian Mertes

Dipl.-Medieninf. Raphael Wimmer
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